Community planning and special studies usually involve the preparation of a final report or other public outreach product to document planning progress and to set the stage for the next steps in implementation. In many cases, organizations do not have in-house expertise to convey technical or complex information in highly readable, easy-to-understand, and graphically pleasing formats.
LLG offers value-added writing and design services for all planning projects.
LLG has written and/or designed numerous technical reports, including:
- Right-of-Way Impacts Analysis/Impacts of Land Development for Gas Pipeline ROWs on Recreational Use and Ecosystem Services – Pennsylvania State Park Land
- Safe Routes to School Strategic Plan – Carlisle, PA
- Source Water Protection Plans – Lake Meade and Blain Borough, PA
- Pedestrian Walkability Assessment – Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA
- PA State Water Atlas – Harrisburg, PA