Project Info
LLG conducted a stormwater infrastructure audit at Cumberland Valley School District campuses in Cumberland County, PA, and continues to support the school district as they perform yearly inspections of their stormwater infrastructure. LLG developed tools for inspection reporting and records management, giving the client the capability to complete annual field inspections of the School District’s stormwater infrastructure to meet local township requirements. Hampden Township imposed an annual stormwater impact fee based on impervious coverage in 2017.
An accurate inventory and digital map of existing infrastructure has allowed the district to manage annual inspections, better evaluate impervious cover estimates and impact fees, and inform recommendations to incorporate other best management practices to reduce or eliminate runoff from school district properties.
Project Details
The audit included a detailed inventory of the size, material and condition of the existing stormwater systems. Visible stormwater features were mapped using handheld GPS units, and LLG conducted Impervious Cover Analysis for each campus.
LLG uses its PESTlogics platform for stormwater infrastructure inspection reporting, and provides stormwater management BMP recommendations that would help reduce runoff or increase infiltration of stormwater on-site.